Fishing blog: Tales of angling adventures from around the world
Welcome to our fish blog! Here you can read more sage advice from anglers around the world. This is the place for news, tips and non-fiction fish tales from mountain lakes to distant beaches. Please feel free to comment and join in on the conversations and share some fish tales of your own!
We just got back from our first trip to the Loch this summer. Still some snow around in the shadows but the trail was in great shape. The cutthroat trout here are beautiful hybrids and they were in a cooperative mood. The “go to” fly this day was a flying ant pattern with a foam beetle drawing nearly as many strikes. Check out our website at to see more about fishing the Loch in Rocky Mountain National Park. This has been our favorite lake to fish for over 40 years.
June 16, 2013- We got to Lily Lake about 20 minutes before a storm passed by with lightning and plenty of wind. We fished dry flies even though this time of year is mostly about nymphs. Using a flying ant pattern and a parachute Adams we caught and released several greenback cutthroat trout both before and after the storm. These beautiful fish ranged in size between 14″ and 18″.
The lake water is already quite warm so a lengthy resuscitation was required. Lily Lake has no defined inlet and the outlet stream flows only during the early spring runoff so the spawning efforts by these trout are futile without the flowing water to oxygenate the eggs. This same low oxygen level makes it imperative to land the fish quickly and release them only after they regain their vigor. Read more about the Greenback Cutthroat Trout and Lily Lake in our waterproof pocket guide “Angler’s Guide to Rocky Mountain National Park” available on-line at:

Here’s an early evening photo of Kimball with a brown trout over 16″ long caught at the inlet to Lake Estes while enjoying the music from the festival.
” The pipes, the pipes, can you hear them laddie?…Aye!”